Good Ideas

A page for consolidating dumping good ideas I’ve learned or heard about.


Keeping Direct Seeded Seeds Damp

Friend Gary says an aid to prevent certain direct-seeded seeds like lettuce from drying out…cover the ground with burlap and keep it wet. You still have to water daily and check for sprouting but it buys you some protection. My thought…how bout something that holds water even better than burlap? A new use for old terry cloth towels

Identifying seed pots…A single set of old venician blinds cut up into strips 5 inches long by 1/2 inch wide will give you enough seed pot labeling sticks for years. Mark them with a Sharpie.

Homemade Seed Starting Mat

How to make a homemade seed starting mat for small, direct-seed plants like lettuce and carrots that will require thinning:

Pizza Box Potting Space

When planting seeds indoors or repotting plants, to keep dirt from getting everywhere, an open pizza box makes a great workspace.

Seed Markers from Venetian Blinds

A single set of Venetian blinds (perhaps rescued from the trash), cut into six inch strips, will yield hundreds of seed markers. Label the strips with a permanent marker.

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