POPYC Garden: Finito!

Well kind of. With the completed planting and mulching of the vegetable bed on the right side of the gate, the main planting work is done. What remains are a few small things yet to put in (some additional herbs and marigolds). Other than that, though, it’s just weedin’ and feedin’, and staking plants as they get big. I might also put a few planters with flowers out on the deck, just to brighten it up a little.

The bed on the right side of the gate. The hostas that had been there I moved to outside the gate.
The vegetable bed on the left side of the gate is growing nicely.

Regarding the hostas outside the gate, I’m not sure how well they’ll do there. There’s no soil really, only sand. I may need to either move them or bring in buckets of compost to replant them in.

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